During the period of partial school closure in Summer 2020 Effective Maths provided online lessons and quizzes for parents/carers to use with their children at home.
These resources were used widely, both by schools doing Effective Maths and by other schools, in this country and abroad. The resources were all provided free of charge and the lessons were adapted to include quizzes that could replace the independent task/s within lessons. Effective Maths was one of the providers included on the DfE’s list of ‘Online education resources for home learning’. Prior to inclusion on the list the resources were assessed by subject experts to ensure they were of high quality.
In the event of future school closures/partial closure it seems likely that many schools will want to provide a more tailored approach to the provision of home learning resources. Following an external provider’s centrally planned sequence of lessons may not be directly relevant to the children in your school.
To this end, and building on the experience of Summer 2020, all the normal Effective Maths lessons are now being published directly to the internet (accessed via the Members Only page as before).
There are a number of benefits to this:
Teachers will be able to share relevant lessons with parents/carers in the event of periods of school closure: just find the web link and paste into your class home learning letter or equivalent. This will mean you can pick and choose the content that is most appropriate for the relevant group of pupils.
It will be easier for teachers to access lessons: you will now be able to view from mobile phones, tablets etc.
In addition, there will now be an option to download the lesson from the internet. If you choose this option, the lesson will be downloaded to a zip file and you will need to extract the file and then click on the ‘index.html’ icon (as before).
All lessons, whether web-based or downloaded, will cease to work on the date specified on the initial slide.