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“This is an outstanding school... The quality of teaching is of a consistently high quality, particularly in reading, writing and mathematics.

Teachers have secure knowledge and expertise in teaching mathematics. Strong teaching of number ordering, sequencing, operations and written challenges all help pupils to increase their knowledge and understanding. Teachers make sure that pupils know key facts in relation to shape, space and measure,as well as providing practical opportunities to deepen their understanding. Mathematical vocabulary is taught well and in context. Pupils make strong progress in their using and applying of number and in their knowledge of shapes and different ways of measuring."

Extract from Ofsted Report

Concordia Academy, 12-13 June 2019

At the time of the last inspection you were asked to improve pupils’ attainment and accelerate their progress by ensuring that you improve the quality of teaching in mathematics. You were also asked to raise the achievement of pupils by providing more opportunities for them to develop their mathematical reasoning. You have introduced a new approach to teaching mathematics. This led to significant improvements in pupils’ attainment, increasing from 47% achieving national expectations in 2016 to 65% in 2017. Attainment has risen again in 2018 but remains below the national average.

You have clearly identified that not all pupils achieve as well as they could in mathematics. Leaders have carried out extensive research alongside other schools in the trust. You have recognised that a balance of fluency and reasoning is needed to ensure that pupils’ achievement improves. In lessons, we saw teachers use effective questioning to probe further into pupils’ understanding. Pupils clearly enjoy and respond well to this dialogue. Pupils’ workbooks show that work is pitched appropriately for their age and that some pupils are accessing more challenging work. Teachers are starting to use assessment information to inform their teaching in

mathematics. This is particularly effective in Year 6 where teachers confidently plan activities that closely match the needs of the learners.”

Extract from Ofsted Report

Abbey C of E Academy, 12 March 2019

Changes, in the form of new approaches to support the teaching of mathematics, reading, and, very recently, writing, have led to a more coherent curriculum. Monitoring records show more consistency to what is taught in each year group and teachers are willing, and increasingly skilled and confident, to apply their recent training, especially in the teaching of mathematics…

Pupils are engaged by a more purposeful approach to teaching, interesting resources and new routines in classes.

Extract from Ofsted Report

Burlington Junior School, 24 January 2019

"Leaders have provided high-quality training which is improving staff subject knowledge, particularly in the teaching of reading and mathematics. Trust specialist leaders coach and work alongside staff. They model effective practice and provide opportunities to observe outstanding practice at other schools.


Subject-specific training is helping teachers plan a more effective sequence of learning built on pupils’ prior knowledge. For example, in mathematics, a more consistent approach is being developed using pupils’ number knowledge. Many teachers use questions effectively to help pupils make connections and develop better reasoning skills. Pupils are encouraged to use practical apparatus and visual images to prove what they are thinking. This is helping to engage pupils in their learning and deepen their understanding. "

Extract from Ofsted Report

Yarnfield Primary, 3-4 July 2018

"You and your leaders have correctly identified that problem-solving and reasoning need to improve in mathematics. Training has been provided and is still ongoing... Where teaching is strong, work planned matches pupils’ abilities and progress is evident. The recent introduction of ‘effective maths’ is giving pupils more opportunities to articulate their mathematical thinking and, as a result, their reasoning skills are greatly improving."

Extract from Ofsted Report

Pegasus Primary School, 11 October 2018

Teaching and learning in mathematics has improved greatly. The new mathematics leader, with support from a trust specialist leader, has ensured that pupils receive a daily diet of number and calculation work. Pupils are now increasingly fluent in their mental agility and show a deepening understanding of numbers. Their understanding is consolidated through frequent opportunities to verbalise and write about their mathematical understanding.”

Extract from Ofsted Report

Edward Heneage Primary Academy, 16 May 2018

“Teachers have received appropriate training to improve the teaching of mathematics. They plan lessons carefully to ensure that pupils are securing strong number skills as well as developing problem-solving and reasoning skills. Mathematics lessons centre on partner work and skilful teaching of mathematical concepts. Teachers plan and build on pupils’ mathematical knowledge well. For example, pupils in Year 3 were adding fractions, while pupils in Year 6 were multiplying fractions. Consequently, pupils’ workbooks show that pupils are making good progress in mathematics because they have opportunities to build on their knowledge and skills.

Current workbooks show that progress in mathematics is improving and all pupils are making good progress. The revised approach to the teaching of mathematics is having a significant impact on pupils’ knowledge and understanding. Their reasoning and problem-solving skills are being developed more fully.”

Extract from Ofsted Report

Falconer’s Hill Academy, 16–17 May 2017

"Good teaching is now helping more pupils to reach expected standards, especially in reading and mathematics. The new approaches to the teaching of reading and mathematics have helped pupils to make faster progress..."

Extract from Ofsted Report - Ainthorpe

Ainthorpe Primary School Ofsted Report: 21–22 June 2017

"Our visit was very positive. We observed pupils enthusiastic about mathematics and able to tackle challenging tasks. It is clear from pupils’ ability to recall mathematical facts that they have been taught these comprehensively and practice them regularly. We were also impressed with pupils’ deepening understanding of mathematical concepts and their ability to use this conceptual knowledge to solve problems in different contexts. We were most impressed by the complexity of mathematics pupils were able to tackle. There is a real integrity to your belief that most pupils can and will reach a high standard of mathematical competency.


… I know that your data and, more importantly, the work seen in pupils books show that pupils are making progress in mathematics."


Maths mastery - good practice report - Harris Primary Academy Philip Lane

"Since the implementation of our new Maths curriculum and the CPD process, we have seen a dramatic improvement in the use, by teachers of conceptual imagery, which is fundamental to the process of thinking with numbers. The use of these images, across the academy, has allowed the children to develop a greater range of images that can be used in the mental manipulation of abstract concepts. In addition, images and diagrams have improved the children’s understanding and ability to explain how a particular strategy or method was used to solve a problem and why it worked.

We've learned a lot!"

Danny Wagstaff

Maths co-ordinator - Chobham Academy

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The headteacher is an inspirational curriculum leader and exceptional teacher who works very closely with his very effective deputy and senior teacher to ensure that all pupils are treated fairly and are fully involved in the life of the school.


Woodberry Down Ofsted Report (2005)

The executive principal is an inspirational leader who has built an excellent team of assistant headteachers. Outstanding leadership and management ensure that the school has continued to make considerable progress since its last inspection.


Woodberry Down Ofsted Report (2008)

From the outset of the partnership, your inspirational leadership, coupled with your clear strategic vision for the federation, resulted in impressive improvement at London Fields within a short time. Your relentless drive to raise standards and steely resolve to ensure all staff assumed full responsibility for the achievement of every pupil in the federation ensured London Fields came out of special measures within a year.


London Fields: 2009-10 survey inspection programme

Outstanding leadership has ensured that the school has gone from strength to strength since the previous inspection. The ambitious vision, shared by all, sets high standards for quality and performance. Self-evaluation is perceptive and contributes exceptionally well to clearly focused improvement plans. Maintaining the quality of teaching at the highest level is the school’s top priority… Monitoring of the quality of teaching leads to an exemplary programme of professional development for teachers. The excellent practice found across the federation is used to best effect through extensive coaching sessions, demonstration lessons and team teaching. Thorough programmes for new teachers ensure they are able to fit in to the Woodberry Down teaching methodology with no time wasted. All aspects of the school’s work are subject to detailed scrutiny, and well-planned actions lead to rapid improvement. Since the previous inspection, standards continue to rise over time and outstanding performance has been maintained. Leaders and managers have tremendous capacity to improve and maintain excellence. The rich memorable curriculum meets the interests and aptitudes of the pupils exceptionally well, promoting equality and tackling discrimination.


Woodberry Down Ofsted Report (2012)

The outstanding leadership of the executive principal and the head of the school is resulting in rapid and sustained improvement in teaching and progress. They are not complacent and know that they must continue to raise achievement further; a view that is strongly supported by knowledgeable and effective governors and by all staff.


Mandeville Primary School Ofsted Report (2013)

Greg Wallace has exceptional expertise in pedagogy and the coaching and training that supports highly effective practice.

Hackney Learning Trust

Many thanks for your warm welcome last Tuesday. I very much enjoyed the visit and was immensely impressed with all you are doing. Your ambition for your pupils, your passion for excellence and your determination to succeed are inspirational.
A strong sense of purpose was evident in every classroom we visited and so too was the enthusiastic commitment of your staff. I could see clearly why inspectors found the school's teaching and learning outstanding. Children obviously enjoy their learning and are making extremely good progress. In the many schools I have visited up and down the country, I have rarely seen marking of the quality I saw in every classroom in Woodberry Down. It gives superb feedback to children so they know exactly what they need to do to improve and are really encouraged to do so.
It is very good to know that the superb practice I saw at Woodberry Down is being extended to other schools and therefore touching the lives of many children in Hackney. I look forward to watching the Federation go from strength to strength.

Christine Gilbert

Former Chief Inspector of Schools

Thank you so much for all you contributed to our conference yesterday. Your presentation was very highly rated in the evaluations:

  • Greg’s work is inspiring, thank you!

  • Greg Wallace, inspirational!


I loved the way you presented your wonderful work, with voices of children, music, split screens... It was a privilege to hear your story, thank you.

Lynda Graham


HUGE thanks for your presentation at Southwark in December. It was utterly inspirational from a variety of perspectives - your leadership - with equalities at the heart of what you do, the work you shared - particularly 'The Other Side of Truth', and those wonderful boys!

Val Johnson


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