Thank you for your interest in Effective Maths.
The links below take you to a selection of lessons from the Autumn Term.
For Year 1 the lessons are from Calculation (Unit 2) and the geometry unit.
For Years 2-6 the lessons are from Multiplication and Division (Unit 1) and the unit on time.
The units above have been chosen to provide a balance between number-focused lessons and other areas of the maths curriculum.
Click here for some brief notes about how to use the lessons.
Detailed planning notes are contained within the lesson slides - click on the notes tab within a presentation. Use the space bar to advance the animations within slides.
Year 1: Calculation (Unit 2)
Suggestions for greater depth booklet
[7] Solving problems with numbers to 10
[8] Number bonds for 4 and 5 and related facts (revision)
[9] Number bonds for 6 and 7 and related facts (revision)
[10] Number bonds for 8 and 9 and related facts (revision)
[11] Number bonds for 10 and related facts (revision)
Year 1: Geometry
Suggestions for greater depth booklet
[3] Creating 2-D shapes (cutting out and drawing)
[4] Shapes around us and patterns with 2-D shapes
[5] Patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes
[6] Compose 2-D and 3-D shapes from smaller shapes
[7] Compose 2-D and 3-D shapes from smaller shapes
(Eg: front, behind, top, bottom, above, below, near/close, far, around etc)
(Eg: forward, backward, up, down, inside, outside)
(Eg: whole turn, half turn)
Year 2-6: Multiplication and division (Unit 1)
Unit overview information
Suggestions for greater depth booklet
Year 2
[6] Division: making groups of 2
Year 3
[5] Solving problems involving 3, 4 and 8 × tables
Year 4
[2] Reasoning about multiplication
Year 5
[2] Reasoning about multiplication
[4] Understanding division and recalling division facts
[6] Multiplication arithmagons
[7] Common factors and common multiples
Year 6
[2] Multiples and factors (revision)
[3] Prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers (revision)
[4] Efficient strategies for multiplication and solving multiplication problems
[5] Efficient strategies for division
[7] Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number (revision)
[8] Solving problems involving multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number
Year 2-6: Time
Unit overview information
Suggestions for greater depth booklet
Year 2
[1] O’clock and half past (revision)
[3] Quarter past and quarter to
[4] Different ways of saying the time: quarter past 3 = 3:15
[5] 5 minutes past and different ways of saying times
[7] Finding durations of events
Year 3
[1] Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes
[2] Telling time to nearest 1 minute
[3] Different ways of expressing time
1:30pm; 1:30 in the afternoon; minutes past/minutes to
[5] Number of seconds in a minute
[6] The number of days in each month, year and leap year
[7] Finding and comparing durations of events
Year 4
[1] Convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24- hour clocks
[2] Convert between minutes and seconds
[3] Convert between hours and minutes
[4] Changing years to months and weeks to days
Year 5
[2] Converting between units of time
Year 6
[2] Converting between units of time
Effective Maths was conceived in a different way to many other maths programmes .
The core resource – the website subscription (i.e. all the lessons) - is relatively cheap in comparison to buying sets of textbooks.
The programme has been designed in this way to enable schools to set aside some additional funding to focus on what is often a core issue: developing teacher pedagogy in the teaching of primary maths. In Effective Maths, this additional support is provided through development days. Through Effective Maths training teachers are constantly developed to understand the conceptual as well as the procedural.
Another key difference between Effective Maths and other programmes is the way that active teaching is built into the lesson slides and also the way that focused partner work is embedded. This is harder to facilitate with a text book scheme.
Many of the other schemes/programmes that exist present children with a series of questions – often with little accessible step by step guidance for teachers about how to ensure that the children will succeed in answering these questions.
Effective Maths also makes considerable use of revision within the year and across years: many schemes present the curriculum for the target year without reference to previous learning.
As well as the main teaching programme for Y1-Y6 there is also:
a Year 1 transition unit
a bridging unit for Y2-6
the Year 6 arithmetic revision programme
Year 6 reasoning revision lessons
the opportunity to subscribe to at a reduced rate (see below)
the opportunity to access the KS2 calculation consolidation programme for + and – for free (if your school has had training in this programme)
resources to support Year 2 teachers providing evidence for KS1 moderation
end of unit assessments
The best model for ensuring the effective implementation of Effective Maths in the first year is:
1 × INSET day
6 × development days (if the school is 3FE then experience shows that more are needed)
The first development day is largely about finding out where things are at in the school after the initial INSET.
As a result of this we plan future days, which typically include:
brief learning walks to see where things are
book looks
demonstration lessons
planning sessions with teachers – the focus of these sessions will vary – but often include issues around inclusion and greater depth – both of which are bound up with developing teacher subject pedagogy
support for teaching assistants
specific support/assessment and programme design for children working well below age-expectations – children with significant AEN
work with Year 6 staff
Development days often end with a staff meeting, for example:
CPD linked to specific maths topics – eg calculation, fractions, statistics
CPD on problem solving – using the approach adopted by Effective Maths of heuristics – highly powerful
CPD on differentiation within a mastery approach
Support beyond the first year of implementing Effective Maths would be linked to circumstances in the individual school, but we would suggest all schools have at least one development day per term.
Click here for the curriculum overview.
Each unit comes with a unit overview sheet. These are designed to support teachers, leaders, parents, carers and others to have a clear understanding of the curriculum intent: to help ensure that the rationale and aims of the curriculum are fully understood by all. The cover sheets also include a list of the individual lessons within a unit.